I have finished training with the first group, from Air France. Before we started the training we were in quaranten for three days and been tested for Covid. After we could start the training, but still partially locked up in the hotel. We have guard watching us on the hotel corridore, we can get down only for smoking, food should be ordered and cosumed only in the room. We have to report every day to AIRCAN application, that we feel fantastic. The dessert is Covid inspector visit us sometimes to make sure we keep the rules and we are in good health.
Well we knew it wont be easy.
The factory is working, of course not with the same speed as last year, but aircraft for Swiss, Transport Canada, Air Baltic, Air Vanuatu, Delta are in the final, soon to be delivered.
Thanks for the well organized training and friendly helpfull people our training was very effective and usefull, and of course sucsessfull as all students passed the exam. They are going home today and the next group is already in quaranten for us.
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